Tips For Drinking More Water Daily

Buy a cute water bottle to tracks your daily intake
Since buying one of these Stanley tumblers about two years ago.. I definitely know I am drinking more water & find myself drinking it more consistently. You can also see how much water you have had that day; so you know when to pick it up and drink more! It also sort of trains you to realize how much more you need to be drinking; if it’s still full at the end of the day.. oops haha I know I need to be drinking more. I like that it has a handle and fits in my cup holder. Easy to wash by throwing it all in the dishwasher every few days.

Set out your water bottle by the fridge/sink every night
I find that being consistent with setting out my Stanley each night helps me remember to fill it up each morning. Pretty simple! I like to fill the water bottle with big ice cubes & filtered water that is in the fridge - so having it sit out the night before right by the fridge helps me remember.

Fill it up each morning first thing
Of course when you wake up each morning there are a million things on your mind, but if you can remember to grab your water bottle from beside the fridge and fill it up as one of the first things you do it can become a habit! I like to add lots of ice too.

Put a slice of lemon or electrolytes in it
Recently I have been adding a few lemon slices & lots of ice into my water bottle. The extra little bit of flavor makes it easier to drink. It could also be fun to swap up the fruit and try new ones! I love having a bowl of lemons of my counter too because they just look bright & fresh and smell so good. Win-win. I have also been on an LMNT electrolyte kick, it adds good flavor to your water but also gives an extra boost of hydration & helps your body absorb the water better. I like the lime and watermelon flavors mixed!