Tips To Declutter & Refresh Your Home


+ go through each item & donate what you haven't worn in the last year
+ donate anything that doesn't fit you & doesn't make you feel good about how you look
+ use the same color hanger for each item
+ organize what's left by season / style
+ zip or button up every jacket & coat and face them all the same direction
+ fold jeans by style and color
+ try on all your bras & donate what doesn't fit
+ if you're selling/donating clothes, put them in labeled bins with lids in your garage
+ try to store all of your shoes in one place (i prefer the garage)
+ store shoes you don’t wear often in stackable small plastic bins with lids & label

TIP: add small decorative bins on shelves for things like scarves, hats, belt, etc to keep the space clutter free

Living Space

+ shake your rug off outside & vaccuum (under it too!)
+ wipe down all baseboards
+ toss any pillows that are stained / flat / old and replace with a fresh new one
+ wash pillowcases and replace inserts if they are old
+ donate books you won’t read again
+ update pictures in frames
+ get rid of any "junk" on shelves that doesn't have meaning or isn't adding to the space
+ get things off the floor (for ex. plants / wires / gaming consoles / shoes)
+ if you have blankets for guests, buy a big basket to store them - functional and cute

TIP: buy yourself some fresh flowers to add vibrancy to your space!

little things to decorate + elevate your space


+ take everything out of drawers / shelves / cabinets and go through it all
+ throw away anything that is expired (makeup will be labeled with a number in months)
+ throw away anything you opened but was never used
+ donate full size items that are unopened
+ wipe down & disinfect all drawers / counters
+ use plastic bins or drawers to separate & organize by product or how you use it
+ clean your makeup brushes weekly
+ stock up on shampoo / conditioner / toilet paper
+ replace a few towels with new ones  + new shower curtain / mat to refresh the space

TIP: if you have a guest bathroom, create a bin under the sink with some necessities for your guests; face wash & lotion, a lint roller, tampons, chapstick, and anything else small they may need


+ donate of any kitchen tools / cups / plates you haven't used in the last year
+ toss old towels (start fresh this year - they are cheap & will feel so new and clean)
+ find a few cute decorative but also functional hand towels to display on your stove
+ use plastic bins to organize food in fridge and pantry shelves
+ toss old & expired food in fridge
+ when organizing your fridge, try to create sections on each shelf: one for meats, cheese, veggies, fruits, etc, so everything has a place
+ replenish your cleaning supplies
+ run your dishwasher when it's full / don't let dishes pile in your sink

TIP: always empty your dishwasher right when it is clean!

kitchen + pantry organization


+ wash sheets - nothing better then fresh sheets!
+ if you lack storage in your bedroom or closet, and have room under your bed, you can get long storage bin for under the bed
+ fresh (or faux) plants help create a fresh look
+ when you vacuum the floors make sure you move furniture & get under the bed / nightstands too
+ light a candle for ambiance
+ donate any old pillows or blankets that you don’t use

TIP: double stuff your duvet with two comforters for extra fluffiness and fullness when you make your bed

bedroom refresh + some of my picks