2nd Trimester Q&A - 19 Week Update

2nd Trimester Q&A - 19 Week Update - bresheppard.com

15 1/2 Weeks

19 Weeks

diet & body changes

Any specific pregnancy cravings?
YES. So strange that I have been craving all of the spicy things haha because about a year ago I would never thought spicy sounded good! I also have never liked hummus & carrots in my whole life lol but here I am craving the combo daily! Other than anything spicy/salty/crunchy there hasn’t really been much else out of the norm.

Have you been drinking coffee while you are pregnant?
Yes I have been! Actually even before we knew I was pregnant in the 1st trimester I was not craving or wanting coffee at all, in fact it sounded so gross to me. When we found out I was pregnant I realized that maybe the smell/taste of coffee was a cause from that?! It started sounding good again right around 2nd trimester & I have about 12oz a day or every other day. I feel fine drinking it & have checked with my doctor to make sure she thinks it’s okay too! Always check with your OB if you have questions!

Did you change your diet since you have been pregnant?
In a round about way yes, but very unintentionally haha! I used to always crave something sweet after dinner and would often have ice cream or frozen chocolate bananas or something. Because my cravings were more salty/crunchy than sweet, I never really went for those things after getting pregnant. Every once and a while I think an ice cream bar or something sounds good, but I have cut back on sweets significantly! I have also been trying to drink a ton of water every day and find a balance in what I eat.

How much weight have you gained in 19 weeks?
I actually have not gained any weight yet, which with talking more about it to Matt and my OB we have decided is a good thing for my specific pregnancy. Every woman has different levels of body fat/muscle/etc and I think that how much you gain depends on so many factors for what is healthy for YOU. To be honest I probably would have gained more so far if I had continued to eat the way I did before pregnancy - so in some ways I have my cravings to thank for that haha! I cut out a lot of coffee, sugar & sweets after finding out I was pregnant and I think that is a big factor. And I also think as baby continues to grow (I am just about 1/2 way now) I will naturally put on weight as she grows more too. With pregnancy weight I would NOT compare your journey to any other woman’s. Every BODY is so different, takes on weight and stress differently, changes shape and size.. and comparing yours to someone else is not helpful in any way! It is most important to try to eat healthy & balanced, be as active as you can for what is comfortable for you, get sleep + drink water, and really just be grateful for the body changes that are helping to grow & develop a new LIFE!

How have you noticed your body change most in the past few months?
Whew. SO many changes! Growing a baby is no joke guys haha if you know someone who is a mother.. hug em BIG when you see them next cause they are amazing! Bodies are wonderful and the fact that they can grow, change and develop a human is a miracle really. I noticed the first quick changes in my boobs lol, like they seemed to grow overnight honestly it was wild. They have probably gone up at least a full size since getting pregnant, if not more. And are more full and just.. bigger haha! My belly started getting harder around week 13 I would say, but no bump even started to appear at all until week 15. That was my first #bresbump photo on Instagram and it was the first day I woke up and was like WOAH I see something haha! Every day after that as baby is growing more & more my belly continues to get more hard and rounder. Once again this is something that is so unique to each woman! It took me several weeks to stop comparing my belly to the shape/size of others I saw, especially when it felt like something should have been there that wasn’t! Each body is unique.

Have you been working out while pregnant?
I will be very honest with you haha I have never been someone who is super consistent with working out; it is something I hope to slowly get better at over time and make time for as I know how important it is for our bodies. My sister-in-law Linds worked out consistently though her last pregnancy & she is pretty sure that working out helped her birth/recovery greatly. When it is sunny out Matt and I have tried to go on walks and get out as much as we can, but with Covid we are not able to play tennis or really do the outside activities we would typically do in the summertime. If Barre3 opens back up I would love to try and go to that a few times a week again or just try to be more consistent with doing small workouts at home.

Changes in skin and hair?
I have not yet seen any noticeable changes in my skin or hair, although I have had several people tell me I am “glowing” haha and that is quite flattering lol!! To me everything seems about the same. My hair has always grown at a very fast rate, so must be some combination of 1) not cutting or coloring since February and 2) the prenatal pills I take/pregnancy! I have not noticed a change in my skin really either; I have continued to wash my face daily and care for my skin like I typically would. I think maybe drinking lots of water has helped with skin too!?

baby development + ultrasounds

How often are you having ultrasounds?
We have had about 4 so far, which I know is seemingly rare, and I am grateful for each time we get to see our baby!! The first ultrasound was at about 7 1/2 weeks. So after took the pregnancy test on Monday April 13th at night, we called the OBGYN the next day for next steps. Because I had has a little spotting (read full post here) they wanted to see me ASAP. We went in that Friday and found out we were 7 1/2 weeks which was wild. Baby was so tiny and like the size of a seed; almost just a little blur but heart was beating so strong. We had another ultrasound appointment scheduled for 9 weeks since that is when you would typically go in, and the progress was wild! Baby looked like a gummy bear and their heart was beating so fast & they were wiggling around haha. We used that photo to share with family/close friends that we were pregnant. We had another appointment at 12 1/2 weeks since we opted to take the blood test to find out gender. So that would not be a typical appointment covered by insurance but we paid for it to get the blood test + check in on baby again! I am thankful that we did. We did go in for an appointment (no ultrasound) at 16 weeks and also got blood drawn for both Matt and I to check in on some more genetic testing. Once again this was not offered through insurance & is completely your own decision to choose to do it or not! Results would not sway us at ALL on having baby girl, but we just wanted to go in to pregnancy/birth as prepared as possible. I got several calls from my OB about a week later seeing some concerns in my blood with elevated AFP levels. This can often be a lead to finding something not growing properly in the baby; whether it be a disconnect in the spine or umbilical cord, that is leading to an elevated level of AFP the baby is producing, that ends up in my blood stream. We went in that day, at about 17 weeks, praying the whole way there that everything would be okay. We ended up having a ‘emergency’ sort of ultrasound where the sweetest angel ultrasound tech took a closer look at baby and all of her growing body parts. She was truly an angel and made us feel so at peace with everything she was seeing and looking at. They checked the spine, umbilical cord, placenta, uterus growth, lungs, heart, etc. We were advised by our doctor after taking a closer look at the ultrasound images to go see the high-risk doctors at the hospital a few buildings down. A week later we were scheduled for the high risk appointment and that would put us at 18 weeks! There they were able to take an even closer look at how baby girl is developing & get a different set of eyes on her growth. We also opted to talk with a genetic counselor who just basically walked through our families health history & helped us see if there was anything we could be missing in our genetic past. To be honest I sort of imagined that would be a waste of time, but it was extremely helpful & she was knowledgeable in explaining even more about AFP and keeping us as peace. We were thrilled when the two different doctors who gave me an ultrasound said that things were progressing well & they were unable to find any immediate risks in development in baby girl. We love seeing her movin’ and growing ahh - nothing better! Everything seems like it is growing strong, her legs were kicking me inside haha and brain/spine/lungs were all developed as they should be. Matt thinks she might have my nose lol it is like a button haha! We learned that she is medium-sized lol doctor’s terms; 10 inches long from head to toe and her feet are each just 1” long! Our next appointment will be in about a week & a half at the “20 week” appointment, which happens to be a bit closer to the 21 week mark. Haha confusing I know! Lots to keep up with and remember. After the appt a few weeks ago the high risk doctors suggested that we get an ultrasound about every month after, so at least 4 more I would imagine, to continue to keep track of how baby is developing. They will continue to check on her vitals and make sure she is on track for growth + development. We are extremely grateful for super knowledgeable nurses, ultrasound techs, doctors and specialists who have invested time and care into making sure we are educated & that baby is getting the best care/attention.

Have you felt any flutters yet?
In the past week I have started to feel movement a liiiitle bit, however I have no idea what these “flutters” are people talk about haha!! To me it feels more like there is something slightly rolling inside me. Like last night for instance I was laying on my back on the couch watching a tv show and rolled to my right side; I could feel pressure on the right side of my belly and put my hand there to feel her, and felt her sort of roll her butt across my stomach inside and then the pressure was gone! I could feel her almost settling deeper into my uterus below my belly. I think as her feet get bigger I might start to feel the kicks more! Right now I feel movement but it is so subtle. Matt actually felt her about a week ago!! It was after the high-risk ultrasound & we were both very emotional and thankful, praying and just crying out in gratefulness for news of a healthy baby. We were both laying on the bed next to each other and I could feel the most HARD pressure on my bely right under my bellybutton I told Matt to place his hand there & see if he could feel it - he could!! He felt her pressing against his hands and then she rolled away! It was so so insane and the best feeling. He tries to “feel” her every day now haha but although she is active inside me (ultrasounds confirm that she rolls around all over the place lol) it is hard to feel from the outside. I think in a week or two though he will feel her easily. My placenta is in the back of my uterus so once she starts kicking more we will feel it much easier!

Is Matt able to attend ultrasounds with you?
One thing we have been SO so grateful for amidst this covid mess is that Matt has been able to come to every ultrasound and appointment with me. I feel deeply for those of you who have reached out in sadness because that has not been the case for you, and my heart is with you. Keep being strong and amazing for your baby mama! You are rockin’ it.


How has COVID impacted your pregnancy/any concerns?
Yeah for sure. Covid has definetly impacted my pregnancy in big ways & forced me to change my mindset for a lot of things I thought pregnancy would look like. Like all of us, I miss being around family and friends, and especially during this time where so much is changing/feels so new. I miss not being able to share those small memories and triumphs and exciting things in person with the people I love most! I have tried not to focus on any of the negative/hard things, especially not trying to worry too much about getting sick myself, and just knowing to continue to take precautions and be careful every day the best we can. Life can’t really stop all-together, you know? I think especially if you are pregnant it is important to find small things that feel “normal” and special to you! Bodies are changing, life is flying by, trips are cancelled, things we maybe thought we would share with friends/family are postposed, and it can be hard to stay in a positive headspace. I don’t really have any specific advice to be honest :( I am taking things day by day & am praying for things to change/get back to “normal” so many of us can enjoy life the way it was designed to be - in community and with those we love!

Will you be having a baby shower?
I hope that I will be able to have a shower! It really was difficult for me to have to tell friends over the phone we were pregnant when I wished we would be able to tell everyone in person, and same thing with the gender reveal. We are SO grateful to have amazing family who supports us and has been there for us, but even not being able to see them often is hard. Just being honest! I am not sure what my shower will look like, but I would love to find some way to celebrate baby girl with people we love most.

When did you announce to friends & family?
We waited until about 11 weeks ( we found out at 7 1/2) since we really hadn’t seen family at all since quarantine started, and we wanted to tell them in person. We decided Mother’s day was the best way to get people together and not have it seem so random since we hadn’t seen anyone haha! They were all so shocked and excited & it was one of. my favorite days for sure. We told most friends over the phone since we couldn’t tell them in person. We did get to tell Karlie & Al in person and her response was amazing haha I had asked her to get a photo with me & then turned to her and asked “did you have any symptoms at 9 weeks pregnant?” haha! It was so sweet. We also told my bestfriend Jac and her husband Zach; we drove to Bellingham and did an outdoor bonfire with them and I gave her the photo of baby then! Even though so much is very different than I may have imagined truly most of all we are grateful for s huge support system + people who love us and baby surrounding us.

How do you stay positive in pregnancy with body changes & everything going on in the world?
Positivity is something I have to work on, truthfully. Matt is much better at seeing the positives and looking at the “bright side” if you will. I tend to look at more of the realistic side of things & sometimes that is downright depressing. One thing I have to keep reminding myself is that the blessings outweigh the negatives!! Baby is healthy, I have a huge support system of great friends, a best-friend in Matt, we are able to work from home, etc. Everyone is going through a lot. A LOT. So much happens offline. We have had family health issues, deaths, many nights of deep deep prayers for healing of friends/family, life changes and curves in plans, and of course body/hormonal/emotional changes. 2020 has been a lot. But it has been a lot for a lot of people. And I think it is always most beneficial to try to surround yourself with people who can pray for you, listen when you need someone to talk to, and who love you through everything. Also recently started writing down 3 things I am thankful for daily - this can give so much perspective and help us get in a better headspace.

Birth & Labor

Do you have a birth plan yet?
I don’t have a birth plan yet but I am only about 1/2 way, so not something I am worried about. Because my sister-in-law had the same OB as us for all three of her kids, I feel confident knowing we are going to someone who is recommended/liked by my sis! I know that is something we will start talking more about in the next few months. I hate needles lol but I do believe that I wan’t an epidural because my pain tolerance level is pretty low! Other than that I think just sort of typical hospital birth is great for us personally. I just want to feel safe & super knowledgeable on what is going on and I feel really good about our OB & hope that she will be able to deliver our baby!

Are you scared of labor?
Oh goodness I don’t even know! I feel like I have had enough friends who have given me the “real” sides of birth haha so there isn’t much that should be a surprise to me as far as all that goes.. however I know my pain tolerance is low & I know birth is SO unique to each woman/baby. I have some friends who say it was a breeze, no issues or anything came up & labor was “easy”. I also have friends who labored for hours upon hours, ended up having c-sections, birth plans go out the window, babies are born early, etc. You just don’t know! It is one of the things in God’s hands and I am super excited for whatever the plan is for us and our birth story. So I don’t think scared is the right word. A bit anxious possibly!

random questions

Are you moving to make more room for baby girl?
I talk about a lot of stuff online but our living situations is always something I tend to keep more private. We definetly have looked at houses seriously in the past year, however the Seattle market is a bit wild and we also are having a hard time finding anything we remotely like! We have some options we have been praying through for about a year or so now, and feel like when the time is right to share more we will for sure :) Right now we are just keeping in mind what is smart/responsible and always trying to save money and do our best to be good stewards with what we have. So if we end up moving for more space, buying, etc, I know it will be the right move for us! Excited for the future for sure & will keep you updated where we see fit!

Have you picked a nursery theme yet?
We don’t have a nursery yet but it is strange because I feel pretty peaceful about it! I know everything will come together like it should & there is not point in worrying about something I can’t control right now. I also have lots of friends who have said the baby doesn’t need much space after birth; they tend to sleep in a bassinet, eat, sleep, repeat haha! So I am trying to keep my mind simple & not stressed about it. I know whatever we have for a nursery will be perfect for baby.

Will you dye your hair when pregnant?
I haven’t dyed my hair since early February just with covid and everything closing! Hence why my hair seems so long haha no cut + prenatal pills + baby glow lol has given it a lot of time to grow; loving the change though. I do have an appointment scheduled for next week yes! Like I have said a hundred times, I think a lot of pregnancy is trusting your heart/body with your own personal decisions. I know some women don’t and lots do. I am personally very excited to get it done & have a little bit of self care haha :) I know my hair colorist knows what is best so I trust her completely! Of course masks are required & there are all new precautions these days so I feel safe about my decision.

Were you ready for a baby?
Yes! I wrote a full post about pre-pregnancy and a lot of those personal details a few months back. You can read it here if you want more information on that!