What's In My Hospital Bag - Baby #2

I posted a quick reel on Instagram showing each of the products that I am packing in my hospital bag for baby number two - I will link it here! I tried to keep it really simple this time around, packing only items that I think I will actually use & that will be helpful while we were are at the hospital for 24 to 48 hours. Linking some of the items here. Keep in mind that the hospital will have most everything you need for postpartum care & for baby for their first day or two of life, so really don’t stress if you forget anything - chances are they will have what you need! There are a few items I want to call out below & explain why I am (or am not) packing them xx

Clothes / Showering
When we were at the hospital in 2020 for Taya’s birth I did not really leave the hospital bed at all for two days, except to use the bathroom. I had packed a towel & things to do my hair, stuff for the shower as well.. but the stay was so short and I was just looking forward to showering in the comfort of my own home, I didn’t end up using any of those items. I didn’t even bother to pack shampoo or conditioner this time around for that reason. Because I never left the hospital bed during our stay when I gave birth to Taya, I didn’t really pack any clothes or anything to change into while I’m there this time. I’m pretty sure I wore the same hospital gown the whole time, or they came in & changed it for me halfway through o a fresh one. I didn’t feel like wearing clothes right away, so just packing a couple options for a comfy going home outfit is perfect for me. I did bring shorts, bike shorts, and sweats as options depending on the weather the day we leave & what I feel most comfortable in!

Random Things I Packed
I am packing LMNT electrolyte packs and my Stanley tumbler for hydration; I have been drinking them during pregnancy and they have helped my cramping significantly and I always feel less thirsty when I drink them consistently! I also packed makeup remover wipes along with my typical face wash; I just am unsure if I will want to get up to wash my face so having the option to just use a wipe is easy. I also packed my headphones, although I don’t have a specific time I plan to use them, I thought if there was a time when we were able to rest as I labored before baby was here, I could play worship music & just have a peaceful moment. I packed my Canon G7X and Polaroid camera also in case we wanted to take photos of baby or capture memories aside from iphone.

Blankets & Slippers
One thing I do remember is that I was very cold haha, I think it was partially one of the IVs that I had to have, but I also think just with everything going on (or the kind of overwhelming stress feeling) for some reason I just was shivering a lot. I made sure to pack soft slippers & an extra blanket this time which I think I will definitely use!

Postpartum Care
As far as postpartum care goes, you can keep it pretty simple! I do remember remember that the hospital supplied Dermaplast, diapers and pads, and pretty much any other random item that I asked for they had on hand. I did pack my own disposable underwear & some perennial pads that I know I liked during PP with Taya, just as backup and to leave the hospital in.

Hand Pump
I remember when I had Taya, because she didn’t latch right away, I have wished that I had brought a small hand pump just to help get my milk to start flowing easier.. I am not sure if this would help with milk flow, but I am packing one this time just to ask the nurses if it’s ok to start using that right away to try to kickstart milk flow. Oh! I also had to use a nipple shield for Taya to help her latch, but the hospital supplied that and sent me home with a few also.

For Baby
I packed a portable sound machine this time which I am excited for.. there are a lot of staff coming in to check on you when you are in labor and the day after. It can be kinda loud and feel like right as baby is napping someone walks in haha, so I think having something to give a little bit of soft noise will be helpful for all of us to rest more in those moments of down time. I packed a few onesies (mostly so I can pick what makes the most sense for the weather that day), two pairs of socks, and a going home outfit. Can’t believe we don’t know if our baby is a boy or girl ahh!! If you have a specific outfit or sign for your baby’s name, you would want to pack that as well. I did bring a couple diapers, but I remember that the hospital supplied wipes and diapers while we were there, so don’t be afraid to ask for those items, of course they are used to these requests!!

what’s in my bag..