The Season To Gather

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them."
Matthew 18:20

For me fall is all about traditions and memories. Just like every season, fall brings it's own set of expectations for things I want to do and the people I want to do them with. As Matt and I were eating dinner at the table the other night we got to talking about all the amazing people we have become friends with in the last year. Before we got married in February we prayed and dreamed about what it would look like to find and build relationships together. Although moving to Bothell wasn't extremely out of our comfort zones, or very far away from close family and friends, we vowed to make a new community here as a married couple. It's been so cool to think back on the ways we have grown our friendships and relationships, even just in the last few months.

I have always loved to bake and cook, I grew up watching the Food Network every night, and would often pretend like I was the hostess of the show when cooking my own meals. I simply love community! Feeling a part of something, like you are wanted, needed, and loved, is so special. It's been amazing to see all the ways Matt and I have found our place in this town. Through YoungLife we've met hundreds of young students who we lead and love. Other leaders who we meet with on a weekly basis to encourage and uplift one another. We have found great friendships at our workplaces, through church, and enjoy even more our longest deepest friendships with friends we've known forever.

When we get together around this table we share our days, hardships, prayer requests, laughter, and love. And when we bring friends and family into our home we pray that they feel they can gather with us and feel as though they are a part of that same community. What a joy it's been in our first year of marriage to have such a beautiful little spot to gather together and make memories in the place we call our first home!

Along with baking and cooking, I am also obsessed with home decor! I love to find inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram, and then recreate a look using my own favorite pieces. For fall this year I am loving COPPER, although my obsession has been going on much longer than a season, and I think I will keep the copper theme forever because it's so classic! I love the way copper and orange play off of each other, so lots of orange apples and leaves are great accents for my hutch. Can you believe I found these amazing green goblets at Value Village?? Right before our wedding, my mom and I were scouring thrift stores for little votives to place candles in down the tables. We came across these, unpriced, and the wonderful lady at checkout gave them to be for .50 a piece! I found some online that retail up to $20 each - deals on deals! Although most of the items I have were either gifts or thrifted (Some of my favorite things have been found at Goodwill!!) I have linked similar items below!

White Ceramic Pumpkin Candle Holder - Michael's Craft Store
Gold Candlesticks (Similar) - Pottery Barn
Copper Canisters (Vintage) - Khol's
Glass Candy Dish - Macy's
Wooden Tray & White Pitcher - Target