Summer 2016 Recap

Last Summer, I didn't take advantage of the opportunities had to really make the most of my Summer. I felt like all Fall and Winter long I was frustrated that I didn't just ask for more days off, or make plans with the days I did have free. So this Summer I decided that whatever Matt and I wanted to do, we would make it happen. And we sure have had an amazing Summer! Here is a little recap of some of our favorites things we got to do & places we went!


My parents own property on a lake in Eastern Washington, about three hours away from where Matt and I live. We have been going here for almost ten years (that's CRAZY!!) and it still hold the spot for my favorite place to be. Something about driving over the mountains and seeing nothing but rolling hills, sunshine, and clear skies for miles is relaxing and takes your breath away. We love it! Because I work in retail I don't often get many weekends off, but I decided it was important that I asked for a few off this Summer so we could spend time with family and friends in our favorite place. Here we spend our days laying in the sun, boating, wake boarding, exploring the lake on jet skis, and eating delicious food. The lake life is the life for me!


In July one of Matt's closest friends growing up got married! We got to use it as an excuse to visit Denver, Colorado for the weekend (where they met and were living) and spend some time with his family. First off, we completely lucked out on the way there with window seats and got an incredible sunset! Mt. Rainier looked huge sticking out of the clouds as we passed over, reminding me just how beautiful of a world we live in! The wedding was up in the mountains on the outskirts of Denver, in a gorgeous country club with views of the city. It started to pour right before the reception, and we got to see a beautiful rainbow and then lightening later that night when we were all inside. It was so pretty! The next day we spent time in Downtown Denver, which reminds me a lot of Seattle, and also some of the smaller towns surrounding Denver. My favorite was a little town called Golden; it reminded me of Bellingham where I went to college! And of course we had to stop for my favorite Ice Cream. Jimmy Fallon's 'The Tonight Dough' is my all time fave. Even though we were barely in Colorado for two full days, it was fun to explore another town together!


Matt and I got the opportunity to go to quite literally the most beautiful place on Earth (I am sure of it!) - Malibu, Canada. This past year Matt led as a YoungLife leader in Bothell, and they were in dire need of leaders to come help serve & lead the girl students at camp this year. Matt kept asking me to get work off but I was nervous I wouldn't be able to go, so never asked. Well two days before everyone left for camp I finally decided to just ask - what could be the worst that could happen? Either I asked to go, and go to, or I wasn't able to and stayed in the same place. Somehow my managers made it happen, and a day before we left I called Matt to tell him I was able to go with the other leaders. What a week!! When I say Malibu, you have to think of every fun and amazing thing you've ever done and cram it all in to the span of a week. It's THAT good. Oh, and did I mention that my very best friend, who leads YL in Ellensburg, happened to be there the same week?! Yup. Best week ever.

It takes two long bus rides, a ferry ride, and a boat to get here, and now you can see why! It's stunning. We spent the week making memories with our campers; students who either go to Bothell or Inglemoor HighSchool, who we will lead throughout this next school year! What is so awesome about camp is that it lets students just forget about anything happening at home and just enjoy being away from their parents, phones, and any distractions at home. We spend the week going on hikes, zip-lining, wake boarding and intertubing, boating, swimming in the pool, playing games, and end the week with a huge foam dance party on the dock. It is incredible to see the way God works. This week truly is the best week of these kids lives!

This summer was one for the books! So many amazing memories made together, with friends, family, and in some of the most beautiful places!