Halloween Plans, Traditions, & Why I love October So Much

halloween 2014

October is arguably one of the greatest months here in the Northwest! It's the time of year when every tree turns from green to orange, the air is crisp & cool, and there is no shortage of activities to keep us busy.

October has always been on of my absolute favorite months for these reasons. When I met Matt, I gained a whole new bunch of reasons to love it even more.

There's something about starting traditions with your significant other that is exciting and seems so special. I found this picture in our closet while I was digging around to find some candles last week. Seeing this little faded polaroid brought back SO many memories from this season in years past!

In 2011, the first year we started dating, I told Matt I loved him in October! It was exactly six months after we started dating, and three months after he told me HE loved me. That year we decided to be Rapunzel & Flynn Rider from Tangled for Halloween. It was hilarious! I had super long blonde hair at the time, and Matt fit his character accordingly as well. I even carried around a frying pan and he wore a purse of mine to look like a satchel. We made quite the duo that year. The years after that we were Barbie & Ken, Squints & Wendy Peffercorn (from Sandlot), and a ref & basketball player. We've definitely had fun dressing up over the years!

Another reason I love this time of year is because our good friends always host a big Halloween party the Saturday before! Matt has been going to it for years, and introduced me to a whole new group of friends when we started dating. Over the years his friends have become mine too, and this party is always something we look forward to. There are always a few people who go all out for costumes, although we play it much more cool now and don't crazy with it anymore haha!

October also happens to be the month that Matt proposed to me! October 30, 2015 was the best day, next to our wedding day (duh!).

I will save that story for a different time haha!

I love that this whole month feels festive and exciting; you can sip cider & read a book, or go to a pumpkin patch & make jack-o-lanterns.

I would love to hear about what your favorite Fall traditions are!

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