Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

Summer is here which means fresh fruit galore! Matt's all time fave fruit is watermelon so it seems like we always have it in our fridge this time of year. I made a watermelon smoothie a few nights ago on a whim & it literally tasted like a pink starburst! Those were Matt’s exact words sooo I’m like when does my show on the Food Network start? Ha! Try it for yourself and let me know what you think! Recipe is my own creation but I promise it’s delicious. 



Add these ingredients into a blender:

3 cups watermelon (no seeds!)
2 cups almond milk
1 banana
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 1/2 cups frozen mangos

BLEND till smooth & enjoy the fact that you’re drinking fruit, but it tastes like candy!

Y U M !