My Summer Starbucks Order

fave non-coffee drink

This drink from Starbucks has been my go-to since I was literally in high school! My best friend Amy & I would take the bus from her parents house to a local beach (which was about 15 minutes away) almost every day in the summer during high school on days we didn’t work. There was a Starbucks in town right near the beach that we would always stop by and get our drinks from. This drink is super refreshing & is always a good option if you were wanting something tasty but are not in the mood for coffee! I love that it is light and refreshing and really delicious. If you like lemonade you you will definitely like this drink. The drink used to come pre-sweetened, but recently Starbucks got rid of the sweetener in the lemonade so if you want the drink to be a little bit sweeter you do have to ask for a flavor. I typically just ask for one or two pumps of their sweetener and it taste amazing and not overly sweet. I’m not even someone who really likes the flavor of tea typically haha but it is so subtle and pairs really well with the lemonade together, it is definitely one of my favorite Starbucks drinks!

what to ask for..

+ Grande Black Tea Lemonade
+ 1 or 2 pumps of sweetener
+ Extra Ice

+ You can also ask for other types of tea - passionfruit is tasty too!

Tag me on instagram or comment below if you try it!