5 Fun Things To Do With Your Bestfriend This Christmas
Photography: S. Wolfe Photography
'Tis the season
It's the season for making memories & sharing them with the people you love most! I've come up with few ideas for you and your bestfriend to get out of the house and have lots of fun together! Whether you are booked up this holiday season, or have hours to give to a good friend, you're sure to be able to find an activity that will be perfect for the two of you!
So go grab your best babe!
- ONE -
Go Christmas Shopping Together
It's inevitable. You're probably going to have to do some shopping this Christmas season, so why not drag your best friend with you & tackle the mall together! It would be nice to get a second opinion on the gifts you are buying for others, and you know you can truth your girl to give you good feedback. Help each other pick out gifts and when it comes to buying for each other.. split up! You don't want your best babe guessing what you got her. Shopping together is a fun way to spend time but also start to cross things off your shopping list!
- TWO -
Create Homemade Wreaths
How cute and easy would it be to create homemade wreaths?! I have a green wreath that I bought at Target almost two years ago, initially thinking I would just keep it up during Christmas, but I loved it so much it has stayed on our wall ever sense! I love that one but I think it would be so fun to make my own. All you would need is to get the supplies from a craft store; a wire circle, floral tape, and any holly or flowers you want to add to it! You can usually buy greenery from Home Depot or any type of floral store, or if you even went to a Christmas tree farm and asked to purchase scraps you could buy those too! Imagine sipping hot cocoa and create adorable little wraths together - I love it!
Get Your Photos Taken
Every bestfriend duo should get their pictures taken at least once together! It's so special to dress up, coordinate outfits, and capture your friendship! This could be in the city with some hot cocoa, or playing in the snow up at the mountains. It's all about laughing together and capturing your friendship together! Years from now you will look back and love them. If you need to pay for a photographer, you could use that money as your gift to each other!
Ice Skating
I am the worst at Ice Skating haha! When I was in college we went a few times to an indoor ice skating rink nearby our school. Even tho I would fall down every few minutes, it was always a blast because I was doing it with people I loved. It was probably a sight to see all of us laughing and falling around the ice as our interlocked arms pulled one after another down to the ice. There's something very festive about ice skating! Some towns even have outdoor rinks, which would be so much fun on a clear night to see the stars as you skated on the ice!
- FIVE -
Go On A Coffee Date
If you're pressed for time this season, maybe you don't have time to commit a full day, but even a little coffee date goes a long way for the heart. This is really more about intentional time than anything else! Plus, theres so many yummy drinks this time of year. My favorites are a Caramel Apple Spice Cider or Peppermint Mocha. Yum! Treating your friend to a coffee would be a sweet guesture to show her how thankful you are for her!