Toddler Snacks Ideas

Ok I get asked often what types of snacks we give Taya throughout the day. And although this would totally depend on the types of foods that you feel comfortable getting your child, and the types of food your child can or likes to eat, I am happy to share a few things that we like to feed her for snacks! We do try to feed Tay “fresh food” as much as possible, even for snacks but of course I love the ease of prepackaged items too! I know not everyone has access to (or wishes to feed their kids) these types of snacks, but I am always looking for cleaner snack swaps and ways to get Taya ingredients that fuel her opposed to sugars and additives. Here are some faves!

Fresh Snack Ideas:
+ Banana slices with cinnamon + avocado slices + diced strawberries + halved raspberries + blueberries

+ Yogurt (if you are looking for dairy free the Culina brand has no added cane sugar and is delish!)

+ Cheese sticks (like string cheese ripped in half) or hummus + red pepper slices

+ Pouches - Once Upon a Farm and Little Spoon our our two favorite pouch brand because they have minimal quality ingredients and have ranked high for safety precautions/made really well. We just pop one of these caps on the top that stops it from squeezing everywhere, and let Taya go for at home or it in the carseat.

+ Smoothies - A super easy way to involve your toddler in making a snack together, they can help put ingredients in the smoothie container and you can pick what you both want in it. Taya loves this. Bonus is that adding frozen kale or spinach doesn’t really change the flavor but gives them a little more greens in their diet!

Dried/Packaged Snacks:
+ Amara fruit puffs are the “cleanest” brand of puffs I have seen for kids, with just two or three ingredients. Nothing against Happy Baby brand but Tay got so addicted to them she never wanted to eat anything else it was wild; we had to stop those haha and find something more simple with less ingredients. They are great for on the go; whether it’s a walk in the stroller, riding in the car, or a plane ride. They don’t need to be refrigerated or frozen, but have the same consistency as yogurt puffs.

+ Rice Cakes with cashew butter (the Artisana brand has two ingredients, no added sugar, and is so tasty on crackers or in smoothies for extra creaminess too)

+ Pistachios or nuts (pre-shelled of course)

+ The brand BEAR makes a great fruit roll up alternative with literally only dried fruit as the Ingredients. They are super simple but we call them a “treat” and it’s a similar texture to like a fruit snack without the added sugars.