Chicken & Peach Summer Salad

summer salad

I have made this really easy salad twice now for lunch and I thought that I would share it since it is a really simple meal idea that does not take a lot of prep or extra thought. I feel like the hardest part about cooking from home is finding something that is simple enough to make even when you don’t feel like cooking anything at all haha.

FIRST STEP for the salad is obviously the lettuce and we really love the brand Organic Girl. We buy it from Whole Foods, and I like the spring mix because it is really fresh it’s pre-washed and the lettuce always taste really good.

SECOND STEP is dressing the salad. We also buy our salad dressing from Whole Foods and the brand that we have been buying is called Follow Your Heart - it is supposed to be made with more simple ingredients compared to other salad dressings which can be full of a lot of sugar. So far our favorite flavor is honey mustard. Honey mustard is one of my personal favorite salad dressings & I really like that this one isn’t overly sweet or too strong on mustard flavor. I also think it pairs really well with the fruit in the salad.

THEN WE CHOP up either nectarines or peaches and spread that on top. I also think avocado is really good on top of the salad. Thinking about it, you actually could add roasted corn if you wanted to as I think that would also pair really well with these flavors! We also really like feta cheese, and we also buy from Whole Foods haha you see a trend here they just really have everything! For whatever reason the specific feta cheese is not super stinky LOL and it has a really good flavor.

THE LAST THING we add to the salad is the chicken! Isn’t this easy? The chicken that we’ve been using is called Mary’s and it is organic chicken that is cooked in coconut oil. If you are allergic to nuts this is obviously not a great option for you, but if you’re looking for breaded chicken that tastes and feels a little bit lighter without tasting deep-fried this is an awesome option. It’s super easy to cook too; since it comes frozen you just pop it in the oven at 375 for about 12 minutes. The outside gets a little bit crispy but it doesn’t have a ton of breading honestly, which is why we like it. We typically split the bag over two big salads & still have five or six pieces left over that you can just save for something else or feed to your kids if you have them!

Hope you enjoy! xx