Spicy Chicken Fettuccini

how to make this easy meal

  1. Cut two chicken breasts in half, creating four thinner breasts. These should be thawed and not frozen.

  2. Sprinkle some blackening seasoning on a small plate, add the chicken on top, and pour more seasoning on top of the chicken. This part is up to you for how spicy you want it to be! More blackening seasoning = more spicy. I like a thick coating.

  3. Add a little bit of olive or rape seed oil to a pan on medium to medium/high heat.

  4. Place the chicken into the pan, it should sizzle and sound like the chicken is searing. You want to get a crispy outside on the chicken, about 4 minutes each side.

  5. Once chicken is done cooking, set it aside and we will come back to it later.

  6. Bring the temp of the same pan the chicken was cooking in down to medium/low and add 4tbsp of butter and stir.

  7. Next add in 1 small chopped sweet onion, one chopped red pepper, and one small can of hatch chiles. Shoot 2tbsp of finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Stir together and let cook down until soft and the onions are clear.

  8. As that cooks down, in a separate pot boil water and a pinch of salt. Once at a rolling boil, add in fettuccine pasta. Cook until al dente & strain. If the noodles are sticking together you can add a little butter and stir. Set the pot aside.

  9. To the pan of onions/peppers add 1 cup of heavy cream + 1 cup of chicken stock and stir until combined. The sauce should be simmering but not boiling.

  10. Slowly add two cups of shredded parmesan cheese into the sauce, stirring as you add it in. The cheese should be melting into the sauce and you will see the sauce thicken.

  11. When the sauce is thicken & everything is combined, I like to add in red pepper flakes for extra heat. Next add the pasta you’ve cooked into the pan. Mix everything together with tongs, coating the pasta well.

  12. Dish up the pasta in a bowl. Now we will go back to the chicken we have set aside and slice it in strips with a sharp knife. The chicken will go on top of the pasta.

    There you have it! Easy, cheesy, spicy and delicious chicken fettuccine!

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