Work Life // AllStar Award At Nordstrom

I guess I assume that most of you know what I do for a living; and no it’s not blogging!

Although someday I hope to pursue blogging as a full time career, right now I am working at Nordstrom.

It’s hard to believe I have been here for two years (last week was my workiversary!) and started working here right after college. I interned at Alderwood, which is about 20 minutes north of Seattle, as a part of the Retail Management Internship, and have stuck around ever since. I work in the Lingerie department as a salesperson, and right now it is exactly where I want to be. I am not sure if I want to go into management or corporate, or what my path looks like but I am content with where I am!

I think why I post a lot of what I do on my blog is based around the fact that I work everyday. My posts are real-life, dinner dates, going on walks, REAL outfits, because we usually shoot when I am off work! I think having this job has also helped me to learn how to cultivate my own sense of fashion and personal style.

I have to dress in a way that reflects my style, but also is something people can relate to and be inspired by.

AND doing this all while being mindful of workplace specific rules on how to dress and what we can or can’t wear.

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Last week I was really excited about a Social Media meeting my manager signed me up for at Downtown Seattle. I started helping with the Instagram account for our store in the last few months, and was excited to learn more and see the tricks of the trade from those working on the team downtown.

Little did I know that I was being completely TRICKED into going downtown!

My manager told me I could attend the monthly company meeting at Flagship before the social media meeting, so I got there at 7:30 and met my assistant manager for coffee beforehand. I had never been to the company meetings before and I was SO worried I was going to be late to the social media class; although my assistant assured me not to worry. They started the meeting by giving out awards to employees with outstanding dedication and customer service.

Within Nordstrom, the All Star award is the most highly sought after award, based on customer service, selling, and teamwork. It encompasses an employee who works hard, goes above & beyond, and has been recognized by customers for outstanding service. It’s the ultimate compliment as a Nordstrom employee! There is only one person per store picked each month; and it is reserved for those who are thought very highly of.

Next thing I knew MY name was being called!!

I was so surprised I started to cry haha! I walked up to the front and my store manager was there to give me flowers, and Matt & my parents walked up too! They had drove all the way to Seattle and missed work to surprise me. It was amazing! We were treated to breakfast and coffee after, and when I finally got back to work that afternoon my awesome coworkers had bought me flowers, candles, macaroons, and my favorite treats. I felt SO spoiled and special!

The All Star award is one that you get for life as a Nordstrom employee, and it’s truly such a special honor!