My Best Friend's Wedding


8.6.17 - What a day!

Jaclyn & I met as Sophomores in highschool at a small group at church, and our friendship really has just grown every year since then. This summer we got to shower her with love & presents, get away for a weekend with the girls to Chelan, and celebrate her joining together in marriage with her bestfriend Zach just a few weeks ago! It's been a summer to remember.

Being her Maid of Honor was such a special thing for me, because I love Jac like a sister! Her special day was full of laughter, crying (mostly me during my speech.. hold it together Bre!), s'mores, good friends, dancing, beautiful flowers, and Jesus!

From an outsiders perspective it may have just looked like a big party, or a lot of fun, which it was, but marriage means so much more that that! To these two, it's a celebration of two different people coming together as one, and making a commitment to seek Jesus & keep him at the center of their relationships always!

It's such an amazing thing to watch two of your closest friends commit their lives to each other - and it's even more incredible to have a peace that God is with them and will continue to guide them through life!

So cool. We love this gorgeous bride & her husband dearly and Matt & I are so excited to continue to grow with them and deepen our friendships!!