Friday Five: Random Things That Made Me Smile This Week

Matt & Hux (6 mo old) vs. Matt & Hux (almost 4 years old)

what Made Me Smile This Week

1. Okay the ultimate random thing this week BUT when I was in high school my parents & I would love to watch The Biggest Loser and it is back on!! It was on E! last night but I think is going to be aired on USA for the rest of the season, not sure but I will find out. It’s like the ultimate encouraging, uplifting show and I just love how motivating it is for me personally AND love how life changing/special it is to watch the people on the show. It also brings back lots of memories of being in highschool with my parents!

2. As Matt & I were cleaning out our room/living space and soon to be office area this week I came across some boxes of old photos/cards. In one of them was a scrapbook my grandma Sankey (dads mom) made me of random events in my life. It has photos from birthdays, piano lessons, picnics, camping and even prom with Matt haha. It just made me remember so many special times growing up with my grandparents.

3. We swung by Starbucks a few days ago and ordered two green juices (order the Evolution green juice and ask for it over ice) and when I pulled up to the window to pay, my car was like several feet from the window. I am usually a great driver haha I just have no idea where my brain way but anyways we pull up to the window and I am laughing super hard like throw my hands up and say, “I am so sorry worst driver ever!!!” and the guy in the window just laughs and says, “It’s all good, I actually have really long arms so this is perfect” hahaha and IDK why but that made me smile so big! Like didn’t get annoyed or anything just laughed with me and lowkey he did have long arms (I do too for being just 5’ 5”) and I got the drinks nooo problem ha!

4. Put together a dang ikea night stand - keep in mind we still have three more pieces to build lol - and was SO PROUD haha!! It took me two hours but I did it and it looks so freaking good! I was super proud and when Matt moved it into the bedroom and by the bed it looked so cute & made me so happy.

5. One night this week we couldn’t fall asleep for some reason so I started digging through old photos on my phone & found a feature where it categorizes all of the similar photos in one folder. So it made a folder called BABY and literally put every photo of Huxley, Rooney and Lilley (our neices and nephew) into one section!! And we laughed for like thirty minute going through the photos, man they are hilarious kids oh my word!

What is one thing that made you smile this week? Xx